Ohmbrewer is designed for the web from the ground up. The Ohmbrewer application can be hosted on anything from a small Raspberry Pi unit, to a personal computer, or even a cloud service. Our web application can be installed on a private or public network - whichever makes the most sense for the user’s purposes.
The Ohmbrewer hardware modules have a central microprocessor that gathers information from temperature probes and sensors and controls electrical relays to modulate heating elements and power to other peripherals. These HOPS modules are designed to integrate seamlessly with existing brewing hardware configurations and communicate over a wireless network with the central Ohmbrewer web application.
The brain and communication center of the hardware is our Rhizome PID controller, built around a Wi-Fi-enabled microprocessor. We’re designing this to be a drop-in replacement for many PID controllers on the market today. If you have a pre-existing system and do not wish to use the full HOPS set up, just plant it in your existing system and you’re ready to go.
Because the application is served over the network, the user can check on the status of a batch and monitor equipment remotely from any networked device, from tablets to laptops to smart phones. The system will send configurable updates to a phone or email address to alert the user of important events during the brewing cycle.
Internet Wizard
Grand Pubah
they do what they want
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